Katherine Goldsby might look familiar since she has been a dance performer, musician, and character actor, as well as working for several non-profit organizations in San Francisco, Marin and Sonoma Counties, since 1987 when she moved north from the Santa Clara Valley. Maybe you were with her at sunrise on Mt. Tamalpais during the Harmonic Convergence in 1989. Maybe you held hands with her during a Star Hawk Spiral Dance. You may remember her from the multitudes of SEVA Foundation and Ram Dass events that she helped facilitate. Perhaps it was at one of the many San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festivals, The Cotati Accordion Festival, or Voice of Roma events where she worked long hours to make sure that all went smoothly. Sometimes she's been asked why she is so busy and the answer is, "Because I am alive."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Her mother's parents instilled Oregon pioneer values like how to garden, can food, fish kindly, honor nature, collect special rocks, sew, and bake. Her father's family were Sicilian immigrants importing marble after the San Francisco 1906 earthquake. They remained to mine granite east of Oakland and helped rebuild important structures around the bay. The years passed and her 'hippie' grandmother and uncle were very involved in the Summer of Love movement. Katherine's father strived to be more conservative as an airline executive at SFO but even he had inherited the family sensitivities so he used them in business and in his community service work. He believed in reincarnation and off-Earth life forms. ​
At a young age Katherine learned that her Great-Grandmother loved tossing I Ching coins. She was exposed to reading cards and at age 11 the first tarot card she drew was The Fool. Regular playing cards are the inherited Sicilian (Sinti Roma) tradition for fortune telling but later the Rider Waite-Smith Tarot deck was studied deeply via the Builders of the Adytum program. Katherine inherited all of those materials and still refers to them occasionally. Her grandmother's psychic services were enclosed in the guise of her beauty parlor where she did hair and provided community therapy, and readings. ​
Katherine's training in polarity aura balancing began in the late 80's. She was allowed into the emergency triage area at Marin General Hospital after her husband's car accident providing hands above energy work and later hung huge crystals in nets around his hospital bed. The staff was very supportive and were amazed as his internal wounds healed to the point of not needing open chest surgery. When they went back for a follow up appointment a few months later his doctor had a big, new crystal cluster on his desk.
In the early 90's Katherine was the owner of Rhapsody Herbal Supply on Fourth and C Street in San Rafael, around the corner from the Open Secret book store. She hosted guest teachers like Herbalist, Flower Essence Practitioner, and Ampcoil Educator, Catherine Abbey Rich and The Ayurvedic Institute creator Dr. Vasant Lad (BAMS, MASc), one of the world's foremost Ayurvedic Physicians. After a few years the doors were closed and she became a festival vendor. Her son works for a prominent tech company in San Francisco and continues to appear on the Discovery Channel show Battlebots. Her daughter is a music, art, drama, and dance teacher, at a local K-8 school, as well as continuing her career in ballet.​
Katherine is known by many as Shanti. This spiritual name came before her long bellydance career. A few know the full expression which is Shantimah Aquila Ram. She will respond to being called Shanti just as easily as Katherine. She has trained with well known international bellydance stars in addition to our local favorites. Being culturally correct and respectful has drawn many students to her dance classes over the years. She now teaches how to play finger cymbals for energy clearing.​
Katherine, KatherinaMarie, Shanti, or even as a Russian Ice Princess, the entertainment art of being a fortune teller has amazed her many querents at no charge. Her heritage tradition has been maintained that one does not advertise, call oneself a psychic, set a time limit, or charge a fee. That said, she receives tremendous generosity in tips. It has been a process over the last few years to make it more known that she uses energy work in training dogs, settling in rescue horses, and finding missing people, as well as performing aura energy balancing. Katherine is also very skilled in pendulum work.